
Friday 6 March 2020

Maori Gods

WALT  write to describe how Nga Atua Maori relate to us

this term, Haiu Wanau have been talking about Maori gods. the first thing we did was a bus stop activity to find out what we already know.w then read the creation story and re-told in our own creative way chose. I chose to go collaboratively with Dev and Liam and we did a storyboard which is like a comic book. as a class, we identifed same imprtant atua/gods :Rongo-ma-tane, Maui, Ruaumoko, Tumatauenga, Tawhirimatea, and Tangaroa we started working on our collaboratively art we got a section of the big picture and had divide on what colour to do on the different atua. on Raapa we learnt about the different feeling and emotion of the different gods what god do you relate to?


  1. Tēnā koe Pala. You have done well to write a quality post about ngā atua māori, I can see you are making positive choices for your mahi. How was working collaboratively with Dev and Liam to make your storyboard? Did your group encounter any challenges and successes?

    I'd also be interested to know what atua you relate to the most? And why? Of the atua you listed, I feel that I connect with Tangaroa the most. I love being in and around the moana, awa, anything water. It makes me feel marino and collected. Of all the atua, I love Papatuanuku the most. She is mother earth and carer of all things.

  2. lot's of ideas but you still don't use capital letters. I think I would relate to Tangaroa because of the time I spend in the sea.

    1. Hello. You didn't use a capital for the first word of your sentence!

  3. nice pala I think I relate to tangaroa because i spend alot off time at the beach and in the water.
