
Wednesday 29 April 2020

Designing a Boat

WALT create a quality blog post that explains our learning.  
aluminium because it's a lint strong metal 
Yamaha 25hp because it is trusty outboard 


  1. hi pala nice bout you got there but and we suppose to make a bout out of recycled stuff i like your bout name.

    1. thinks dev this is what Miss said
      create a blog post and upload your boat design. write about the boat you've designed,the materials you chose to use and why you chose to them specifically. no mention of recycled stuff.

  2. Hi Lopala
    Your boat's name made me smile. I was not completely sure what mankey (manky) meant, so I looked it up. Did you know manky means worthless, rotten, or in bad taste AND dirty, filthy, or bad? I think that is a great name as it is made from recycled material. Would you be safe to go fishing in your "Manky Mullet"?
