
Tuesday 8 September 2020

Jonah Lomu

WALT write a person that you look up to in life. 
I look up to Jonah Lomu because he is a good rugby player and he also has strength and fitness and he use to play in the all black  because he die of a heart attack in November at the age of 40

Thursday 18 June 2020

Tuesday 9 June 2020

Friday 29 May 2020

dream bedroom

my room has PS4 TV 450 dirt bike boots helmet JBL speakers bed faze clan wallpaper gaming chair War-zone on the TV and i also have Faze swagg controller and a motorbike wallpaper and that is what i have in my dream bedroom.

Wednesday 27 May 2020

Poland poster

WALT create a country study poster about Poland
Huia class read a book call the Poland refugee children i learn that they play rugby i did not mow that they play rugby i will like to eat that breed likes yum.

Friday 22 May 2020

Close to the edge

21.05.2020 WALT summarising the texts in our own words Close to the edge is a refugee book ‘Working on the edge now where to go a part from going north because south east and west no longer matter they are trying to find a home they see the city ahed and they see the people in front of them the mum ses to the opill stay close to the edge but she was day dreaming then they cep working do not had any water or food then she finds a cove in the hill and then she go in to the cove and her hand slips on the rock do not no were she is going she didn't see the interest that she come from and enter the cove she feel some thing climbing up her leg some thing cold and slippery and i don’t now how to get out. THE END

 on friday the Huia class did a Summarising of a book called close to the edge and we did a animation on slides i was working with dev we did it collaboratively     

Wednesday 20 May 2020

my name is Rez

WALT summarise the text in our own words
“My name is Rez” this is a graphic novel told by toby morris Rez is a young girl, living in an Iran refugee camp with her family. Rez parent declare themselves as refugee and move to new Zealand  

When she got to her new school this boy with gold here asked what is your names she said uh my name is Rez and a gathering of kids in the back around one of them said she talks like a robot.  Although she came a layer of the year she did not have a good school experience then Rez went and did Kapa Haka and she made friends playing netball and she also had burgers and drinks and coke for the first time. Rez's family were protesting for Kurdish rights Rezs dad Escape from Iran.  

Tuesday 19 May 2020


WALT creatively write and present a piece of poetry.

Wednesday 6 May 2020

Refugee Storyboard

WALT create a quality blog post that ex plans our learning


Sunday 3 May 2020

Friday 1 May 2020

Spanish translations

WALT create a quality blog post that explains our learning

Wednesday 29 April 2020

Designing a Boat

WALT create a quality blog post that explains our learning.  
aluminium because it's a lint strong metal 
Yamaha 25hp because it is trusty outboard 

Tuesday 28 April 2020

Character Art

WALT: make a picture of a character in the book call refuge

Tuesday 21 April 2020

Historical People Research

My packed suitcase!

WALT: create a quality blog post that explains our learning.

Today, I read chapter four of 'Refugee', by Alan Gratz. We have been introduced to the three main characters now; each of them young children, each of them experiencing horrible circumstances, and each of them about to be refugees.Our literacy task today was to imagine we were leaving our own country. We had to draw or create an image that showed what our suitcase would look like if we were about to become refugees. I chose to use google drawing and png images, to put together a suitcase full of important items. The things I decided to pack in my refugee suitcase are:

1.Clothing - because it's the most important item you need otherwise you will be naked.

2.iPad charger - to charge my iPad.

3.iPad - so i can use it when i am bored

4.Fanny pack- to keep my money and my passport safe.

5.Money - to buy anything i need, eg- toothpaste and toothbrush

6.Water bottle - to stay hydrated.

7.Passport- to use it when you leave the country and identification.

8.Cup of soup- so i don't die of starvation and i also like it. 

9.Shoes- to protect my big feet.

10.Sleeping bag- so i can keep warm at night.

11.Suitcase- to carry everything i need.

12.Self defence- i don't need any weapons i have 2 fists 😃😃😃

And i have all these items in my house so i am ready to leave now!

Thursday 16 April 2020

Syria poster

                    WALT create a quality blog post that explains our learning

Cuba poster

                WALT create a quality blog post that explains our learning

Germany poster

WALT create a quality blog post that explains our learning

Tuesday 31 March 2020

what is responsibility


Friday 6 March 2020

Maori Gods

WALT  write to describe how Nga Atua Maori relate to us

this term, Haiu Wanau have been talking about Maori gods. the first thing we did was a bus stop activity to find out what we already know.w then read the creation story and re-told in our own creative way chose. I chose to go collaboratively with Dev and Liam and we did a storyboard which is like a comic book. as a class, we identifed same imprtant atua/gods :Rongo-ma-tane, Maui, Ruaumoko, Tumatauenga, Tawhirimatea, and Tangaroa we started working on our collaboratively art we got a section of the big picture and had divide on what colour to do on the different atua. on Raapa we learnt about the different feeling and emotion of the different gods what god do you relate to?

Tuesday 3 March 2020


WALT create a Quality post for an online audience.
                What is respect
Respect is when you treat someone or something with manaakitanga. Manaakitanga is when you care for someone or something. for example respect may look like we listen and wait our tern to shere it may also look like someone offers you would say yes please or no thanks you those are manners.

that is some examples of respect we try to use that in our everyday life

Thursday 27 February 2020

the creation stor

on Monday 24th of feb huia had to recreate the creation story based on Maori beliefs. Liam, Devlin and I have created this storyboard and told the story in our own words. making this story has helped

me with my Maori knowledge

Friday 21 February 2020

Tangata Rongonui

inquiry find info on Tangata Rongonui
my hoddy is fishing because i have be fishing sins i was little
my anther one is hunting because hunting is just a cool thing to do
i also like motorbike because is fun to rid motorbike
WALT correct punctuation
Our first day at tech we washed our hands and i flicked it into dev eyes and miss Du flu kicked me out of the class and i was there for like 4 minters and then miss Du flu lat me came inside and she seed all of the recipe and she tolled us to get cooking and we  put on an started cooking

Wednesday 5 February 2020

on the weekend

i was playing fortnite with Seth on the weekend and we were playing box fight and i was getting  clapped from Seth a box fight is were you battle in a small area with a AR,shotgun and med's. Your building space is limited which makes it harder for the player but easier for the players to see each other. box fight is a close range fight, most people just spam build like XDshadman AKA Cameron.